Wireless Registration @ CAC

Written by Thepeoplechoice on 5:13 AM

A Day Before The IIUM wireless Registration...

On The Registration Day

Student register for this wireless

Nasik Lemak

Written by Thepeoplechoice on 3:10 AM

Salamz, moto tu delivery nasi lemak ker ?

Nasi Lemak Bukan sekadar nasi lemakkkk... :)

In Kosmo Monday 21 july 208

Written by Thepeoplechoice on 7:59 PM

previous post

Wireless Registration at IIUM Kuantan Campus.

Written by Thepeoplechoice on 1:37 AM

Wireless registration at IIUM Kuantan Campus.

Wireless Registration at IIUM Kuantan Campus

having Lunch at 4.30 pm after wireless registration. The Skinhead one is our PM. Chilled

This is also wireless registration token. but not in IIUM Kuantan Campus, Its in MS Garden Hotel. Once generate it valid for 24 hours. its free... include in the billing. :) chilled.

' Tapau ' in IIUM Cafe - No more Polisterin

Written by Thepeoplechoice on 7:32 AM


From now, when you 'tapau' a food at iium cafe, u will not be given a polisterin base, u will now get a paper base. which more friendly to environment and more goodness for long term human health. ive heard some time ago this 'tapau2' method has been implemented in advance country such as Japan and US. But believe it or not in IIUM cafe its now been implemented.
But, you have to pay an extra 20cents per 'box'.

Nasi putih ayam halia.... perppp chilled....

Nyam Nyammm...

Slurrrppp... Alhamdulillah...

Pendidikan Sepanjang Hayat

Written by Thepeoplechoice on 7:20 AM

Hari Daftar Program Space UTM... lama dh tak dgr lagu UTM kelmarin dgr balik n kene nyanyi lagi.... :P UTMMMMM sanjungan bangsaaa.... tu je ingat. Okeh Chilled harap2 dapat belajo sampai abis. Kat DSI (Dewan Sultan Iskandar )

Decorate ur Desktop/Laptop with Google Desktop

Written by Thepeoplechoice on 11:38 PM

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